Food for Thought

Share recipes and beverages you enjoy in the camper!
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Food for Thought

Post by craigmar »

The other day I received a message from Keystone (Cecile) and she stated that she had made a blueberry pie in the van's oven and that it turned out great. It got me to thinking about other recipes and things to cook but I wondered just how many owners use their stove and oven to actually cook with rather than the outdoor grill or the micro. I think that all would be wise to try and cook up a few things using the stove and oven just for the sake of knowing what limitations you might face and how to overcome them if a need arises.
With all the stuff happening around the country with different disaster's, I would think that it's a no-brainer to be prepared. Everyone talks about a 72 hour kit for the car or in the garage but what about our vans (Trailer). I always make sure that my waste tanks are empty, water tank is full and propane is topped off. I have food in the van as well as medical, clothes etc. just in case. Extra cords for the gen-set if I need to run power to the house, batteries charged and a charger to plug in to the gen-set if they might need recharging for one reason or another. Books to read and dvd's to watch if we want. What about the kids and grandkids if they are in the picture, do you have just enough for you or do you have extra to share for someone in need. And yes, I also have a couple of self defense and hunting arms if I need to go that way as well. Anyway, enough of that and just as the topic says, food for thought and Sooner rather than later I wish we had more food recipes posted from the group or let me know what you like and I can try to come up with something.
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Post by skater »

I try to keep the camper generally ready for a trip for similar reasons - you never know when the power is going to be out for a couple days, or something. However, we don't keep the water tank filled - it's just not worth the trouble in my opinion, and it doesn't take long to fill it. Our basic plan is to load perishable supplies and go. I was just saying to Erica that one nice thing about the camper is that if we need to evacuate, any direction is fine.

I made a banana cake in the B190's oven for a WDCU rally once. :) Erica has made macaroni and cheese on a couple occasions in the oven. We rarely use the microwave - I used it when I was living out of the camper for a week or two, but we could count the number of times we've used it otherwise on one hand.

The new camper doesn't have an oven, so we bought a toaster oven to use in it. This requires electricity, however. Since the trailer doesn't have a generator, we're hoping to pick up two of those Honda eu2000i (or equivalent) generators to produce 30 amp power.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

WBCCI #13270, Washington, DC Unit
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